Document Management System for Digital Archives
Store, organize and index scanned documents in PDF, JPEG and TIFF formats. Instantly find relevant information using full text, tags and metadata based search
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Open source
All source is licensed with very liberal Apache 2.0 license and is available for everyone on Github
User Friendly
It features beautiful, modern, easy to use and very intuitive web based user interface
Performs OCR on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images

Custom Fields

Custom fields are also known as documents' metadata.
You can visualize documents based on custom fields:

Category or document types enable you to categorize documents. You can define types such as "Receipt", "Invoice", or "Contract".
Papermerge DMS supports document categories i.e. you can assign document to specific category.
Page Management
Often scanning documents in bulk results in documents with out of order pages: some pages maybe rotated or maybe part of totally different document. Even if you notice these problems immediately it is time consuming to redo scanning process. Wouldn't it be nice to fix out of order pages without scanning all docs again?
Page management is set of features which helps to fix scanning process errors. You can reorder, rotate, and extract pages within document(s).

Papermerge DMS performs optical character recognition, abbreviated OCR, on your documents, adding searchable and selectable text, even to documents scanned with only images. It uses open-source Tesseract engine to recognize more than 100 languages.
User Friendly
Beautiful and easy to use modern web interface boosts your productivity and makes working with documents a pleasant experience.
Here are thee reasons why we think that you will love its UI:
It is intuitive
It is beautiful
It is modern